I am so excited about our Daily Bible readings for this Christmas season – as a family we will work through something in the evenings, but in the mornings the boys are going to be independently following this reading schedule (click here, or image above to download). I think I am going to follow it, too.
I am most excited about the questions they will come up with and using them as discussion points throughout the day, as part of what this reading plan does is encourage the reader to think of a couple questions to ponder about the verses read.

(note: it has been brought to my attention that i inserted two readings for december 15th. i plan on having my boys read the second 15th reading along with the 16th reading. will fix the file for future years, along with any other needed edits from feedback! thanks!)

So here is what this is: 25 days of short Bible readings about who Christ is, why He came, and the events surrounding His birth.
When I say short, I mean short. Some days it is only one verse. Other days might have ten verses.

Included in the printable PDF is a 25 panel grid (see below) – one panel is to be filled in each day. Either write down the question(s) you think of as you read the verses, or draw a picture of what is happening in the verses.
As you can see – this below image is slightly less decorated than the one in the above image – I had a formal complaint from one of my boys that if they’re to draw in the grids they can’t be competing with trees and mugs. Haha. So out they came. Each Sunday there are two songs recommended for listening to, and one Saturday has one song to be listened to. The names and artists are listed, but you can find just these 9 songs on a Spotify Playlist here.

This whole thing was built with my preteen boys in mind – and the parental involvement will be encouraging thoughtful questions and making the time for discussions.


While the below is included on the first page of the PDF, here is a little bit more of an explanation of what this is:

I am so glad you picked this up and I hope you find the upcoming month of reading scripture encouraging as we look at who Christ is and why He came and the events around Him coming as a baby.

Read: Each day from December 1- December 25 has a scripture passage to be read. Some days have two passages. Look up the passage(s) and read the days reading. Ask the Lord to help you understand what you are reading.

Engage: To help think deeper about what the verses are saying I want you to either DRAW what the text is talking about, or think up one or two questions* to consider about the text. If you can find someone to share this with each day that would be great! If you need someone to talk some of the questions over with (or want to show your amazing drawings to) I would LOVE to hear from you!

A 25 day grid has been provided for your drawings and/or questions.

*Have you ever noticed that sometimes questions make you role your eyes because they’re so simple, and other questions make you excited to explore what the answer might be? There is a true art to asking questions that make you think a little bit deeper, and that is something we are going to try to do this month as we work through the 25 days of reading.
Consider asking How? Where? Why? When? Who?
Look for names of God that might vary through the verses.
Question what words mean if they’re unfamiliar to you.
Avoid questions that can be answered with a yes or a no.

Listen to: Each Sunday I have two Christmas songs for you to listen to. I have a spotify playlist you can use, or you can search for the songs yourself.
There is one additional song on a Saturday when the assigned reading is the genealogy from Matthew’s account. You don’t want to miss this song!

Merry Christmas, friends!


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4 thoughts on “Daily Bible Readings for Christmas

  1. Emily Laturell

    Can’t wait to share this with EJ! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Jessica

      you’re so welcome!!! I hope he enjoys it! tell him i said hi!!!

  2. Kendra

    This is fantastic! Thank you!

    1. Jessica

      you’re welcome!!

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