We have a few traditions we have set up with our boys that gives us special one on one time with them throughout the year. Our one on one dates is something we have done since they were itty bitty and something we hold dearly. But in the past year we have added in a birthday date. Sometime around the birthday boys birthday I take him out to a show – just me and him. It’s something a little out of the ordinary, expands their appreciation of the arts (I hope!), and gives us something fun to look forward to.

Judah turned 13 on Monday and today is his birthday date and we are heading to a real Marionette show. Apparently there aren’t many of them left in the world, so I am excited to check it out!

In honor of his birthday and our time together my questions are ones for him on our drive. I am calling them questions to ask with your teen (“with” being key – let them ask the questions back at you and let this be a conversation, not an inquisition!) but these would work for any age group!

  1. What do you think is the coziest space in our home?
  2. What did I do this year that made you feel the most loved?
  3. If I were to keep an endless supply of any one snack on hand, what would it be?
  4. What is one thing that is a really big deal to you but you think I don’t “get”? How can I learn more or be more supportive?
  5. What do I say frequently to you?
  6. If you had limitless funds and could plan our next family vacation where would we go and what would we do?

When I add questions to my notebook they’re generally inspired from books or conversations I have recently engaged in. A question set like this, written with a specific person in mind, is a bit more work and much harder to trace back what might have inspired the question. So no book inspiration for this week!

Conversation Starters - a thoughtful collection of questions to ask yourself, your friends, or your family to inspire engaging, deeper and reflective conversations

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3 thoughts on “Questions for Conversations set 3 {teen edition}

  1. Diana

    Will you eventually be posting these all together in one post or document?

    1. Jessica

      I have been thinking about that – or putting them in a book or make them a printable. Haven’t decided what would be most useful to people!

      1. Diana

        I think a printable would be great!

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